
村所神楽(むらしょかぐら) MurashoKagura

※令和5年3月 国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されました。

15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs


【Murasho Kagura】
The Murasho region, where the eponymous Murasho kagura has been passed down for generations, lies within he central region of the village of Nishimera, in the western part of Miyazaki Prefecture, at the confluence of the Hitotsuse River, which has its source in Mt. Ozaki, near the village of Shiiba, and the Itaya River, which flows in from Kumamoto Prefecture in the west. It has flourished since the distant past as an important stopping point for travelers passing through the area.
The sacred grove of Murasho Hachiman-jinja sits high up on a hill, commanding a view over the whole region of Murasho. The shrine honors the Seisei Shogun (literally “General of the Western Pacification Command”), Prince Kanenaga, crown prince and son of Emperor Godaigo, who had visited Mera during the period of Northern and Southern Dynasties (the mid to late 14th Century). Following the Prince’s passing in 1471, the title of “Dai-Ōgū” (literally a “Great Shrine enshrining an Imperial Prince”) was inferred to the recently-built shrine Onkawa-jinja, causing it to be renamed Dai-Ōgū Onkawa-jinja, and the Prince’s fondness while he was alive for the kagura performed there is said to be the origin of Murasho kagura. After this, in 1590, the shrine received official recognition from the head shrine at Usa Hachimangu (now Usa Jingu), and was later renamed Murasho Hachiman-jinja in 1871.
Besides raising shime (sacred pillars used to welcome the gods) and performing all 33 dances in the kagura repertoire at the Murasho Community Center, in December, kagura is also performed at Sae Inari-jinja, and several other shrines in the area.
The first part of the kagura, in which “Daiō-sama,” said to be Prince Kanenaga, together with local deities and others relating to the ancient Southern Court, descends to earth, is called the “kami kagura” (“kagura for the gods”), and consists of several solemn dances rich in ritualism. After the “shime ogami” (“prayer to the shime”), which announces the end of the kami kagura, is performed, it is time for the more stirring and rousing “min kagura” (“kagura for the people”), during which more lively kagura and musical accompaniment is permitted.
As of 2020, The Murasho Kagura Preservation Committee consists of 38 members, who take part in performances all over the country, and devote themselves to the preservation and passing down of this historic form of kagura.