新田神社は旧称を正八幡宮(しょうはちまんぐう)と称し、新田郷の総鎮守社として崇敬されてきた。天正5年(1577)、都於郡(とのこおり)城主伊東氏が島津軍に敗れ、米良に敗走した際の兵火に遭い、本殿などを焼失したと伝えるが、現存する棟札には慶長11年(1606)に修復の記録が残る。その後も延享4年(1747)の島津忠雅(しまづただのり)をはじめとした棟札が残り、佐土原藩主島津氏が代々崇敬した神社であることを物語る。また、佐土原藩の代表的修験者であった泉光院(せんこういん) 野田成亮(のだしげすけ)が文化9年(1812)から文政元年(1818)まで東北の出羽三山(でわさんざん)をはじめとする九峰に修行に出かけたことを記念する石塔が、境内の隣接地に残る。
【Nyuta Kagura】
Nyuta Shrine, where Nyuta Kagura has been handed down for generations, is in Shintomi Town. This town faces the Hyuganada Sea and is located in southeast Koyu-gun in the center of Miyazaki Prefecture. The Nyuta area is on a plateau called Nyutabaru and its foothills are downstream of the Hitotsuse River. Nyutabaru Kofun Group is also located here. It consists of 207 mounded tombs and was designated as a national historic site in 1944.
Nyuta Shrine was once called Shohachimangu. It has been venerated as a shrine dedicated to the tutelary deity of the Nyuta area. Lord Ito of Tonokoori Castle ruled the central area of Hyuga during the Middle Ages. He was defeated by Shimazu in 1577 and fled to Mera. It is said that at that time, the main shrine was burnt down by the attacking forces. An existing wooden historical plaque shows that repairs were made in 1606. A number of plaques have been found, indicating that repairs continued to be made thereafter. One of the plaques was placed by Shimazu Tadanori in 1747. This indicates that the shrine was venerated by the Shimazu clan for generations. In the land adjacent to the precinct, a stone pagoda can be found commemorating Senkoin Noda Shigesuke, a major mountain ascetic of the Sadowara Domain. He went to nine mountains, including Dewa Sanzan in the Tohoku area, for ascetic practice from 1812 to 1818.
Kagura is performed from five o’clock in the morning on February 17th after the Shinto ritual has been conducted. Then, the festival is moved to Kagura Hall that has been set up on the premises. Daijin Kagura, also called Jinmu Kagura, is the main kagura dance of spring. In this dance ritual, the leader, Hossha, guides related gods, tells chronicle myths, relates the origin of the taiko drum, and seeks to attain Iwatobiraki, the opening of a rock door. The main event of Nyuta Kagura is Tsunakiri, which has been crowned with the name of Kagura. It is a scene in which Susanoo-no-Mikoto exterminates Yamata-no-Orochi. A dancer uses a real sword in a lively motion to sever a huge snake portrayed by a twisted large rope made of straw. Many strong and vibrant dances exist in the central plain of Miyazaki, the former Sadowara Domain. It is a location where rice cultivation is well established, and these dances are performed while mixing in prayers for a bountiful harvest and good health.
As of March 2024, there are 36 members in the Kagura Preservation Society who are exerting themselves to foster successors and carrying out traditional activities that incorporate the entire community.