Ikime Kagura


15分版 15min

2時間版 2hrs

 生目神楽の始まりは不詳だが、寛政8年(1796)の荒神(こうじん)面や、彫刻の技量に優れた禅僧 平賀快然(ひらがかいぜん)の銘「祐舎(ゆうしゃ)」が刻まれた鬼神面などが現存していることから、近世には成立していたと考えられている。

【Ikime Kagura】
Ikime Shrine, where Ikime Kagura has been handed down for generations, is located in the prefectural capital Miyazaki City in southeast Miyazaki Prefecture. Ikime district is an area downstream of the Oyodo River and is known for rice cultivation.
The origin of the Ikime Shrine is not known. However, it is noted in Usagu Shinryo Okagami, a record of the divine territory of Usagu, that the shrine had already been erected in 1056. Out of the many legends surrounding Ikime Shrine, the most famous is Kagekiyo Legend. When Fujiwara-no-Kagekiyo, the samurai general of the Heike Clan, descended to Hyuga, he could not bear to see the Genji Clan come to power. It is said that the Ikime Shrine was built where he gouged out his eyes and threw them. The shrine enshrines five deities, including Kagekiyo along with Homudawake-no-Mikoto, or Emperor Ōjin. This shrine has been called Ikume Hachiman, and it is widely known as Himuka-no-Ikime-sama, God of Eyes, attracting many worshippers from around the nation.
Mokuzo Shin-No-Men, a wooden mask of a divine king, was designated as a National Important Cultural Property in 2018. It is housed here in this shrine, and it includes an inscription, 1248. Its size and form suggest that it is not a mask to be worn but is an independent object of faith.
The origin of Ikime Kagura is not known. However, it is thought that this Kagura had already been established by the early modern period. This is because of a Kojin mask from 1796 as well as a Kijin mask with an inscription, Yusha, indicating that it was made by Hiraga Kaizen, a Zen monk with an outstanding carving skill.
Kagura is performed from noon to midnight on a Saturday closest to March 15th. Characterized by many majestic dances with powerful footwork, it centers on Saku Kagura and prays for bountiful harvest and good health. The emphasis is on Kinemai and Ta-no-Kami, programs featuring prayers for good harvest and prosperity of descendants. Kagura is dedicated in a peaceful atmosphere filled with laughter, something that marks spring Kagura.
As of March 2024, there are 29 members in the Kagura Preservation Society who are exerting themselves to foster successors. As of 2020, there are 25 hoshadon (performers) for this style of kagura, and the region is also actively accepting help from other areas to help preserve the art. The hoshadon get many requests to perform kagura from all over the country, and are putting a lot of effort into training young performers to ensure the protection of this historic element of regional folk culture.

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